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    Rev. by Pietro Montorfani
    • Bianchi, Stefania: Uomini che partono. Scorci di storia della Svizzera italiana tra migrazione e vita quotidiana (secoli XVI-XIX), Bellinzona 2018
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    Rev. by Damir Skenderovic, Departement für Zeitgeschichte, Universität Fribourg
    • Wirth, Christa: Memories of Belonging. Descendants of Italian Migrants to the United States, 1884–Present, Leiden 2015
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    Rev. by Barbara Lüthi, Abteilung für Nordamerikanische Geschichte, Historisches Institut, Universität zu Köln
    • Wirth, Christa: Memories of Belonging. Descendants of Italian Migrants to the United States, 1884–Present, Leiden 2015
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    Rev. by Tobias Brinkmann, Department of History/Parkes Institute, University of Southampton
    • Keeling, Drew: The Business of Transatlantic Migration between Europe and the United States, 1900–1914. Mass migration as a transnational business in long distance travel, Zürich 2012
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    Rev. by Luigi Lorenzetti
    • Tommasini, Tiziano; Giorgio Cheda (Hrsg.): Geo Flavio Cavalli, Giovan Battista Monaco, Ritorno dalla California. , Locarno 2010
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    Rev. by Anna Amacher Hoppler
    • Feuz, Patrick: Zwischen uns ein Ocean. Die Geschichte des Wirtschaftsflüchtlings Friedrich Mürset, Kempten 2009